Our Pets

Our newest addition who is a rehome, Ms Piggie. She is 2 years old and her previous friend passed away and since her previous owner was moving she needed a new home. So now she has 3 new friends and is spoiled with cookie treats every day. It took her a couple of days to become vocal but now she speaks her mind all of the time. She has been such a joy and a wonderful addition to our furry family.

Rán is the second oldest born in June. She is my husband's favorite (but don't let the other girls know). She was named after The Norse Goddess of the Sea. She is the moodiest of the bunch.

Princess Aurora. She is the most mouthy. My youngest born in August.

My sweet Phoebe. She was named after the Norse Goddess of the Moon. This sweet girl is the middle child as she was born in July. She is also really shy and doesn't like cuddles much but is all about her cookies every day.

We got miss Izzy here from a bad rehome situation back in November and she is now the queen of the castle and is going through Service Dog training for myself. She is extremely smart and always full of energy. All she wants to do 24/7 is cuddle and drive you mad with kisses. It took her a couple of days to play with toys when we brought her home but once she started, she destroys them all except her ring toy and the nylon bone she stole from my mother's shih tzu, Toby at Christmas. My little sidekick who I never have a boring day with.

My Yorkies I had previously until they passed away a couple years apart.

Thaleia was the dark chocolate one and Apollo was the big man but also full bred chocolate yorkie. They were my first with yorkies and my first inside dogs of my own.

Thaleia was extremely bossy and Apollo was an escape artist when it came to his kennels as well as very hard to potty train. Unfortunately he never ended up being fully potty trained but we made it work. We went through 3 kennels with him and a destroyed bathroom which included the walls, the floor, and things out of the cabinet were pulled out. Not to mention, he decided to rip up a bit of carpet in front of the door one time while I was getting mail. He did try and hitch a ride with the UPS man twice and ran off twice and both times had to put an ad out for him to bring him back home. 

I miss them both every day. There is nothing like a bond between a human and a dog.